What life lessons have you learned from change?

Let go of the need for things to be a certain way. Reframe the change to see it from a positive perspective. Seek support and share what you're experiencing. I was overwhelmed by my new university campus and its immensity; alone, despite having attended classes of 300 students; and challenged by the responsibilities of independence and adulthood.

When you accept, accept and learn from change, you inevitably grow stronger. The ability to continuously accept change allows you to become as solid as a rock in the midst of the violent storms that surround you, even if you feel afraid. When we can accept change, learn from it, and feel better about experiencing it, change is no longer our enemy. On New Year's Eve this year, I sat down before going out to celebrate and thought about the main lessons that the past 365 days had taught me.

To ensure that this is sustainable, you should take some time to play and enjoy the process. When I started following the path of building my own life while working full time, I was struggling all day and night. It was brutal, and while I enjoyed the process of building a dream, I wasn't having any fun at all.